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Brain food recipe

Tasty Energy Balls

Our brain is our body’s central control unit, so it’s constantly working. Just about everything that happens in our body involves the brain. That’s why it’s really important to give our mental abilities the best possible support throughout our lives.


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Something else that has a positive impact on our brain is the right diet. You can actively protect your brain, keeping it young and fit, with a diet rich in fruit and veg. The consumption of so-called brain foods helps to optimise brain function. Leafy green vegetables such as cabbage, spinach or broccoli are full of important nutrients for our brain. Lentils, chick peas, beans and tofu are very good sources of plant-derived protein. Other great brain foods are dried fruit (particularly berries) and nuts because they contain lots of secondary plant substances that are very valuable and helpful for the brain and our memory.


And now that you know all this, you can conjure up a tasty brain food snack for yourself – Energy Balls

For this super easy but extremely effective recipe, all you need is 300 g nuts (e.g. walnuts, almonds or hazelnuts), 200 g dried fruit (e.g. dates, berries or prunes) and the juice of half an organic lemon. Chop up all the ingredients until you have the consistency you want, and mix them together well. To refine the recipe, you can also add a little lemon peel. Now your mix is ready to shape into small balls.

You can either eat the Energy Balls straight away, or leave them to rest for a little while in the fridge first – that way they’ll taste even fresher.


Have fun making them!

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